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Our weekly gathering takes place every Sunday at 10:30 AM, with pre-service prayer & Coffee hour beginning at 10 AM. All peoples are welcome!
1. Sundays are for making much of Jesus.
Through teaching, music, sharing, and celebrating, we aim to keep the focus on Jesus. We strive for life-changing gatherings. Our music and preaching is never for the sake of a show, but for pointing everyone to the greatness and love of God. We want people to walk away reminiscing, "Oh, what a savior!" and not, "Oh, what a service!"
2. Sundays should be intelligible to almost everyone.
Any Sunday you visit will aim to edify our people but also be accessible to visitors, especially those far from God. We strive to communicate at a level that is intelligible for children. However, age-appropriate teaching is available for young kids during the message.
3. Sundays are essential but not sufficient.
Sundays are essential for our church, but they aren't conducive to everything a Christian needs. Missional Communities are our primary organizing structure to make disciples in all of life. Sundays are essential but must be in concert with our MCs and our DNA Groups.
4. Sundays are intentionally simple.
We keep it simple. We gather. We sing. We listen to God's word preached. We respond together in the Lord's Supper. We pray for one another. We do the same things Christians have done for centuries. Our simplicity is intentional for the sake of mission and generosity. Thus, we limit the resources we invest on Sundays so we can allocate our time and money into everyday life.
The aim of our ministry to children and families is to help parents raise their children to become mature followers of Jesus. We do this through our missional communities and our Sunday Gatherings. We believe children who are trusting Christ can play important roles within our covenant family. We don't believe they are "in the way," but rather, we want to come alongside children and parents to raise up an army of disciple-makers. One example of how we're doing this is by training older and eager children to teach lessons with adult supervision.
Sunday Gatherings and Children
While we believe it is the primary responsibility of parents to raise their kids in the Lord, we believe Sundays can be helpful support. Children are always welcome in our corporate worship gatherings. We love it when parents include their children in the worship gathering, and our gladness doesn't diminish when children are fussy or tired. We do not want parents to feel embarrassment or shame because children are acting like children. Parents are free to bring their children to the full worship gathering or to utilize children-specific teaching outside the service with volunteers until they feel their children are ready. We have general suggestions but every child is unique and we trust parents to decide on what is best for their family.
During the preaching of the Word and the Lord's Supper, we offer children-specific teaching for ages 1-10 (As we grow, we will be splitting up into smaller groups, nursery and elementary). Before the Scripture reading, children are welcome to follow their teachers into the kid's rooms. This is a time for children to enjoy fellowship with one another. We believe it is good and right for children to enjoy being with each other.
In addition to enjoying each other's company and playing together, we plan to use the kid's time to teach the whole counsel of God. We aim to do this by teaching a God-centered curriculum and catechizing our children in the Christian faith in such a way that is engaging, intelligible, and relevant to their respective ages.
2014 E 36th St, Minneapolis, MN 55407
Parking is available on the street as well as at Folwell Elementary School.