Good News for you.
Four acts. The Great Story.
God Created A Good World
Before everything and everyone, God was. He chose to create the universe. He made everything good. There was no evil. Humans are the crown jewel, made in his image. God entrusted his universe to us as his stewards to cultivate his creation and multiply his people.
Humanity Betrayed God
In a world full of yes, God asked us to trust him with one restriction. However, Adam & Eve disobeyed and committed treason against God. In a moment, God’s good creation was stained by sin. All suffering, brokenness, and death came from this moment: racism, abuse, natural disasters, wars, you name it. And yet, we all likewise have followed in Adam & Eve’s footsteps. At the core of their heart is a desire to be God, control our lives, and dictate what is good and evil. As a result, we are all God’s enemies and deserve his just retribution.
But God…
Rather than destroy humanity, God sent his only Son to save us. Jesus came as a man into our world and lived the life we could never live. He never did wrong and always loved perfectly. But he chose to take the punishment we deserve so all people can have an opportunity to be forgiven and adopted into God’s family. His death on the cross satisfied God’s justice completely and gives abundant grace to all who repent and trust in him.
God Rights all Wrongs
One day soon Jesus will return. He will right every wrong ever done. Those refusing to trust and obey will receive their just condemnation resulting in eternal separation. Heaven will come down to this Earth, and God will redeem and beautify this world with no sin, suffering, or death. All those trusting in Jesus and who have endured to the end will enjoy face-to-face intimacy with God forever on this renewed Earth.