In our ministry to children and families, we aim to help parents raise their children to become mature followers of Jesus. Every child is a gift from God; no child is “in the way.” So, during our Sunday gatherings and in our Missional Communities, we strive to come alongside children and parents to raise up a new generation of disciple-makers.
Sunday Gatherings and Children
While we believe parents have the primary responsibility to raise their children in the Lord, we also believe Sundays can provide a helpful support. Children are always welcome in our corporate-worship gatherings. We love it when parents include their children in these times, and our gladness doesn’t diminish when children are fussy or tired.
So, every Sunday, parents can choose to keep their children in the corporate worship gathering or drop them off in one of our children’s Sunday school classes. We have general suggestions, but every child is unique, and we trust parents to decide what will be best for their family.
Children’s Sunday School
We have three children’s Sunday school classrooms (0–3, 4–6, and 7–11 years old). The volunteers in these classrooms are all members of All Peoples Church who have had background checks and training. Parents who want to use the children’s Sunday school can sign their children into class using our computer check-in system and then drop them off in the appropriate classroom (the younger two classrooms are upstairs behind the auditorium; the older classroom is down the stairs from the auditorium). After the preaching of the Word, parents are dismissed to pick up their kids and bring them back to the auditorium for the final part of the worship gathering.
In addition to enjoying each other’s company and playing together, the children learn a Bible lesson from a curriculum that teaches the whole counsel of God. Our volunteers aim to educate and nurture our children in the Christian faith through engaging, intelligible, and relevant teaching.
If you have questions, please email Pastor Ross at ross@allpeoplesminneapolis.com.