Pastors must be men who are blameless and exemplify self-control, respect, hospitality, sobriety, and gentleness. They must be able to teach and avoid quarreling and greed. They must be faithful to their wives and steward their families well.
Pastoring models the way of Jesus, multiplies maturity in his people, prays continually, cares deeply, leads faithfully, feeds biblically, and protects courageously. Pastors are called to lead together.
At All Peoples Church, we are committed to a plurality of leadership where every pastor has equal authority. Every pastor seeks to humble themselves to each other, sharpen one another, and help each other thrive for the good of their souls, families, and the church.
We strive to follow the leadership of Jesus and incorporate his mindset as it is expressed in Philippians 2. Jesus did not hold onto his privileges but willingly laid them down for the sake of others, taking the form of a servant, considering others more significant than himself. Leaders are servants first, for your joy (2 Cor 1:14). Although imperfectly, all leaders aim to live in a way worth imitating as they imitate Christ (1 Cor 11:1).
Finally, no pastor is ultimately the leader of All Peoples Church. Jesus is the chief shepherd (1 Pet 5:4) whom we look to and follow. Someday soon he will return and we want to be found faithful with those to whom he entrusted us.
Sam Choi
Staff Pastor
Dale Gruber
Lay Pastor
Scott Hubbard
Lay Pastor
Daniel Simmons
Staff Pastor
Ross Tenneson
Staff Pastor
Dave Widerski
Lay Pastor