Sam Choi

Ever since he first encountered God at the age of 15, Sam has been consumed with love for Jesus, the church, and those who are far from God. This passion has grown to a life given to making disciples, empowering others, and sharing the Gospel with those who do not yet know the greatest treasure in the world.

Sam has served in a number of pastoral positions since 2006. He has received formal training at Georgia State University, Metro Atlanta Masters Commission, Eternity Bible College (B.S. Biblical Studies), and Bethlehem College & Seminary (M.Div.). After 9 years, he successfully defended his (Th.M.) thesis on C.H. Spurgeon on 2 Cor 5:21.

On the side, he enjoys serving as an adjunct instructor, teaching preaching at BCS, and training church planters through the SEND Network. He also runs a small business, 24 Golf, and is passionate about helping Christians worship through their work.

Sam and his wife, Joanna, reside in the Central Neighborhood and are raising four delightful kids: Elijah, Eden, Mercy, and Hope while providing care for orphans through foster care.

Outside of normal pastoral duties, Sam focuses on preaching, leadership development, church planting, and working with other churches and networks to multiply disciples throughout the world.